Best prints
on the planet.

We are the only print house in Fin­land using water­less rotary print­ing tech­no­logy, which helps us deliv­er the best print qual­ity to our customers.

Moreover, our print­ing tech­no­logy is in a cat­egory of its own when it comes to the envir­on­ment, so it is also best for the plan­et. Com­bined with our excel­lent cus­tom­er ser­vice, we are a print­ing power­house not to be missed, so get in touch!

Print qual­ity

In prac­tice, the world’s best print qual­ity means clean and clear inks, non-stretch paper and min­im­al image noise, or com­pon­ents which togeth­er ensure our abil­ity to pro­duce excep­tion­ally clear images copy after copy. The dry­ing inks adhere to the paper strongly, mean­ing that our print products are vir­tu­ally non-staining.


We don’t use any oils or harm­ful chem­ic­als in our print­ing pro­cess. As we can achieve excel­lent print qual­ity start­ing from the first sheet, we pro­duce very little waste paper. Moreover, our recyc­ling rate is no less than 99%!


Even though we run a large cut­ting-edge print stu­dio, we are a tight-knit com­munity that takes care of each oth­er. All this is reflec­ted in our ‘cus­tom­er comes first’ atti­tude to ser­vice, which is friendly and efficient.


Our rotary print­ing tech­no­logy, which pro­duces the best prints on the plan­et, provides a cost-effect­ive meth­od for print­ing top-qual­ity tra­di­tion­al news­pa­per products as well as oth­er types of papers and bro­chures. Our primary formats are tabloid and trimmed tabloid, both of which can be prin­ted using sev­er­al dif­fer­ent options.


Daily papers

Paper used annually

EUR Turnover