

Suo­men­maa is a monthly magazine fea­tur­ing qual­ity art­icles about top­ic­al issues in Fin­land and abroad.

Suo­men­maa is avail­able both online and in print, and the print edi­tion is pro­duced by the experts at Bot­nia Print.

How did Suo­men­maa start to work with Bot­nia Print?

There’s plenty of oth­er print houses in Fin­land, and com­pet­i­tion for cus­tom­ers can be tough in the field. Juha Määt­tä, Suo­men­maa’s Edit­or-in-Chief, is happy to shed some light on the subject.

“We used to be part of Jout­sen Media, which pub­lished sev­er­al papers and magazines. At one point, Jout­sen Media had its own print house, but it also out­sourced print­ing to oth­er com­pan­ies, for example, in fault situ­ations, and this is where ours and Bot­nia Print’s paths crossed.

Jout­sen Media had to even­tu­ally shut down its in-house print stu­dio, after which print houses were invited to tender for print­ing ser­vices. When the group was sold, Suo­men­maa car­ried on as an inde­pend­ent com­pany, and it also con­tin­ued its suc­cess­ful cooper­a­tion with Bot­nia Print.

And this is how Bot­nia Print and Suo­men­maa came to join forces.

Why Bot­nia Print?

What were the con­crete factors that made Suo­men­maa choose Bot­nia Print originally?

The prac­tic­al aspects of the cooper­a­tion have been run­ning smoothly since the begin­ning. Sev­er­al Suo­men­maa staff mem­bers are in con­tact with Bot­nia Print, and the magazine’s graph­ic design­ers have even atten­ded train­ing ses­sions organ­ised by Bot­nia Print, and they are happy with the cooper­a­tion and how things are always taken care of promptly at Bot­nia Print.

”For us, a key factor was that Bot­nia Print uses water­less print­ing tech­no­logy, which pro­duces top-notch print qual­ity and sharp images. In oth­er words, you could say that for us, qual­ity was key. As a whole, Bot­nia Print’s ser­vice pack­age was excel­lent, but it was the qual­ity that really won us over.”

Juha Määt­tä, Suomenmaa

With the cooper­a­tion, the goal was to get every­day routines to run smoothly and to find a sched­ule that would work for all.

The fruit­ful cooper­a­tion has been sup­por­ted by little to no hier­archy in the oper­a­tions, quick reac­tions to any prob­lems and prompt answers to questions.

Smooth and excel­lent cooperation

Accord­ing to Suomenmaa’s Juha Määt­tä, the suc­cess­ful cooper­a­tion can also be seen by users of the end product, or the magazine sub­scribers; there have been no com­plaints about the magazine’s print quality.

If you are think­ing about work­ing with Bot­nia Print, Juha Määt­tä would like to you to know that:

“Our cooper­a­tion with Bot­nia Print works per­fectly – we get what we want and the ser­vice is always smooth. Enquir­ies are replied and respon­ded to quickly. What more could I ask from my print house? I recom­mend Bot­nia Print to everyone!”

Like­wise, Bot­nia Print has been very happy work­ing with Suo­men­maa. Main­tain­ing a high level of qual­ity is the key to suc­cess­ful cus­tom­er rela­tion­ships, which is why Bot­nia Print does not cut corners when it comes to qual­ity. The import­ance of high qual­ity can be seen in everything Bot­nia Print does: Bot­nia Print is an envir­on­ment­ally friendly and sus­tain­able print house.

”Suomen­maa is a prime example of the type of cus­tom­er we want to work with – qual­ity-con­scious and motiv­ated to offer their read­ers the best qual­ity. This cor­res­ponds with our val­ues as it is exactly what we want to offer, too.”

Han­nu Salmi, Bot­nia Print

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