Matkalle Sal­laan ry


Matkalle Sal­laan ry is the advert­ising asso­ci­ation and cooper­a­tion coordin­at­or of the Muni­cip­al­ity of Salla in Lap­land. At the moment, Matkalle Sal­laan ry has approx­im­ately 40 mem­ber com­pan­ies, the largest of which is nat­ur­ally the Muni­cip­al­ity of Salla.

Matkalle Sal­laan ry works togeth­er with the Muni­cip­al­ity of Salla to advert­ise loc­al tour­ism ser­vices, and the asso­ci­ation also does mar­ket­ing for Salla to give it visibility.

In addi­tion to tour­ism ser­vice pro­viders, the association’s mem­bers include gro­cery shops and spe­cial­ist shops such as sports-goods shops and iron­mon­gers – all of which are com­pan­ies that bene­fit from tour­ism in one way or another.

How did Matkalle Sal­laan ry start work­ing with Bot­nia Print?

Matkalle Sal­laan ry used to buy print­ing ser­vices from loc­al print houses, but when it wanted to min­im­ise its impact on the envir­on­ment, the asso­ci­ation decided to also send out invit­a­tions to tender to print houses else­where in Fin­land. Heli Kar­jalain­en, Mar­ket­ing Man­ager at Matkalle Sal­laan ry, has fond memor­ies of the tender:

“One of the print houses that par­ti­cip­ated in the tender was Jout­sen Media. They told us about Bot­nia Print because they had been happy with the qual­ity of Bot­nia Print and said that we would be happy work­ing with Bot­nia Print too. I vis­ited Bot­nia Print’s web­site and I can remem­ber how happy I was to learn that it’s the most envir­on­ment­ally friendly print house in Fin­land! They were such a gem!”

Col­lab­or­a­tion with Bot­nia Print started

Bot­nia Print respon­ded to the invit­a­tion to tender promptly by call­ing Matkalla Sal­laan ry, but the paper and print­ing samples Bot­nia Print provided made an even big­ger impres­sion on Matkalle Sal­laan ry. Finally, with the com­pet­it­ive prices offered in the tender, it was a no-brain­er for Matkalla Sal­laan ry to decide to go with Bot­nia Print.

”The staff at Bot­nia Print always get back to us really quickly regard­less of what we need to dis­cuss. The print qual­ity is also phe­nom­en­al! The col­ours are fade-res­ist­ant and do not stain like news­pa­pers usu­ally do. Their cus­tom­er ser­vice is also excel­lent.”

Heli Kar­jalain­en, Matkalle Sal­laan ry

Sched­ules with tight turn­arounds were not a prob­lem for Bot­nia Print – on the con­trary, the magazines were always sup­plied on time. Impressed by the smooth cooper­a­tion, when Matkalle Sal­laan ry next needed print­ing ser­vices, it didn’t even con­sider con­tact­ing oth­er print houses.

Build­ing on mutu­al satisfaction

Peter Mar­jakan­gas is the des­ig­nated con­tact per­son for Matkalla Sal­laan ry at Bot­nia Print, and he has the fol­low­ing to say:

“Matkalle Sal­laan ry is one of our most val­ued cus­tom­ers, even though it is not pub­lished that often – it just high­lights the import­ance of product qual­ity. Smal­ler print runs have always been our spe­ci­al­ity, and this is where we shine.”

The cooper­a­tion has also been bene­fi­cial for Matkalle Sal­laan ry:

”Work­ing with Bot­nia Print saves us a lot of time because they act quickly and pro­duce excel­lent qual­ity, which means that we don’t have to spend time mak­ing com­plaints or ask­ing ques­tions. The less time I need to spend doing one thing, the better!”

Heli Kar­jalain­en, Matkalle Sal­laan ry

Green tech­no­logy as a com­pet­it­ive edge

Matkalle Sal­laan ry sees that work­ing with Bot­nia Print helps strengthen the association’s image as an envir­on­ment­ally friendly organ­isa­tion thanks to Bot­nia Print’s pos­i­tion as the most envir­on­ment­ally advanced print house in Fin­land. Bot­nia Print agrees:

“Envir­on­ment­ally friendly tech­no­lo­gies, print qual­ity, cus­tom­er ser­vice. We try to be as agile as we can to make it as easy as pos­sible for our cus­tom­ers to liaise with us. By work­ing with us, you free up time for your core activ­it­ies and spend less time on the phone chas­ing for inform­a­tion about your order status.”

Matkalle Sal­laan ry’s Heli Kar­jalain­en is more than happy with Bot­nia Print: “It bene­fits us all when more and more com­pan­ies choose the most envir­on­ment­ally advanced ser­vice provider!”

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