Paper products


Our primary product is the tabloid format (280 x 400 mm).

We offer sev­er­al cus­tom­isa­tion options, includ­ing gram­mage, light­ness scale and min­im­um num­ber of cop­ies and pages.

With post-pro­cessing, a prin­ted tabloid can be turned into a trimmed tabloid.

Trimmed tabloid

In post-pro­cessing, the prin­ted product can be fin­ished by trim­ming it to a dif­fer­ent format by remov­ing the excess edge around the print­ing area, cre­at­ing a product that is con­sid­er­ably more styl­ish than the stand­ard tabloid.

We have two extremely effect­ive paper cut­ters that we use to trim the edges and change the format of our prin­ted products. Our products can be trimmed to the fol­low­ing sizes:

• The smal­lest product: 184 mm x 260 mm

• Trimmed tabloid: 230 mm x 300 mm – 260 mm x 380 mm

We also offer a wide range of oth­er post-pro­cessing options.

Our smal­lest product

We have two extremely effect­ive paper cut­ters we use to trim the edges and change the format of paper products. The smal­lest format to which products can be trimmed is 184 mm x 260 mm.

The bene­fits of our smal­lest product include inex­pens­ive prices and fast turn­around times.

This “mini­ature magazine” is a pop­u­lar format for products such as bro­chures, pamph­lets and catalogues.


The tra­di­tion­al news­pa­per format – broad­sheet – is still a great option. Its lar­ger size (400 x 560 mm) makes it stand apart, allow­ing for more free­dom in the lay­out and use of lar­ger images. We offer sev­er­al cus­tom­isa­tion options, includ­ing gram­mage, light­ness scale and min­im­um num­ber of cop­ies and pages.

Don’t hes­it­ate to get in touch – we’ll help you choose the best option for you!

SUSANNE STARCK (pic­tured)
Cus­tom­er Rela­tions Manager

Tip #221!

Magazines and papers prin­ted by us won’t stain your light-col­oured sofa, hands or clothes. This is all thanks to our water­less rotary print­ing tech­no­logy, which pro­duces the best print qual­ity in the world and really makes the ink stick to the paper. This allows us to pro­duce sharp images and bright col­ours copy after copy. So, if you’re look­ing for some­thing to stain your sofa, may we sug­gest a reas­on­ably priced, char­ac­ter­ful and tan­nin-rich Chilean red wine?

Order samples

A prin­ted sample is the best way to see just how great the best prints on the plant are and to get an idea of how your product could be printed.