Post-processing options

Trimmed products

We have two extremely effect­ive paper cut­ters that we use to trim the edges and change the format of our prin­ted products. Our products can be trimmed to the fol­low­ing sizes:

• The smal­lest product: 184 mm x 260 mm
• Trimmed tabloid: 230 mm x 300 mm – 260 mm x 380 mm


A single sheet of paper, or even an entire magazine tucked in a news­pa­per, is an effect­ive way to boost a paper’s media sales or give the read­ers a pub­lic­a­tion ded­ic­ated to a spe­cif­ic theme. All products prin­ted by Bot­nia Print can be dis­trib­uted as a sup­ple­ment to anoth­er news­pa­per as long as the main product has an excess mar­gin of 12 mm. The sup­ple­ment may be loose or glued to the centre fold. One news­pa­per can con­tain up to four dif­fer­ent sup­ple­ments. The sup­ple­ments may be dif­fer­ent in size and prin­ted (even by someone oth­er than Bot­nia Print) on dif­fer­ent types of paper.

Cov­er wrap

A cov­er wrap is a four-page advert­ise­ment bound to the top part of a cov­er or centre fold. It is as wide as the magazine itself but only cov­ers half of the magazine ver­tic­ally. As it is clearly sep­ar­ated from the magazine, a cov­er wrap is an extremely effect­ive advert­ising platform.


Memo­Stick is an atten­tion-grabbing stick­er on the front page of a magazine which is easy to peel off. At its best, a Memo­Stick stick­er urges the read­er to take action, which makes it an often-used tool in loss-lead­er marketing.

We also offer a wide range of oth­er post-pro­cessing options. Don’t hes­it­ate to get in touch – we’ll help you choose the best option for you!

TOMMI LUHTA (pic­tured)
Oper­a­tions Man­ager
Bot­nia Print Oy Ab

We have doubled our trim­ming capacity.

The demand for trimmed print products has soared in the past few years. To give our cus­tom­ers what they want, we have made an almost mil­lion-euro invest­ment and pur­chased anoth­er Fer­ag SNT-50 trim­ming drum. The trim­ming drum can quickly fin­ish prin­ted products by trim­ming them to formats of dif­fer­ent sizes by remov­ing the mar­gins out­side the print­ing area. The fin­ished product is con­sid­er­ably more styl­ish than a tra­di­tion­al tabloid. With the invest­ment, we have achieved a sig­ni­fic­ant reduc­tion in the turn­around times of trimmed products and increased our capa­city. This also allows us to offer an even wider range of cus­tom­isa­tion options to our customers.

Order samples

A prin­ted sample is the best way to see just how great the best prints on the plant are and to get an idea of how your product could be printed.