

Ori­gin­at­ing in Seinä­joki, Min­i­m­ani is the only privately-owned hyper­mar­ket chain in Fin­land. In addi­tion to Seinä­joki, the chain has shops in Kokkola, Jyväs­ky­lä, Vaasa and the Ideapark shop­ping centre in Lempäälä.

In 2020, the net­work of shops will expand to Rovaniemi where the next Min­i­m­ani hyper­mar­ket will open. The Rovaniemi Min­i­m­ani will be the second-largest hyper­mar­ket in Lapland.

Min­i­m­ani is a major retail­er in every town and city where it has shops, and it employs a large num­ber of retail industry pro­fes­sion­als. Des­pite its growth, Min­i­m­ani is still a fam­ily-owned com­pany whose val­ues align with those of Bot­nia Print.

How did Min­i­m­ani start work­ing with Bot­nia Print?

For the past few years, Minimani’s mar­ket­ing bro­chures, which are dis­trib­uted dir­ectly to cus­tom­ers, have been prin­ted by Bot­nia Print. Minimani’s Mar­ket­ing Man­ager, Janne Oosi, is happy to talk about his exper­i­ences work­ing with Bot­nia Print and recom­mends the print house to everyone.

“We have always had adverts in the loc­al and region­al papers. We also sub­scribe to a num­ber of magazines, and some­times we are sent samples. One day we received a magazine with excep­tion­al print qual­ity, and we wanted to find out where it was printed.

As a res­ult, I asked for a quo­ta­tion for print­ing our dir­ect mar­ket­ing mater­i­als for the next year. After this, we spent a couple of years work­ing with oth­er print houses until we came across anoth­er high-qual­ity magazine. This time we were on the same page about pri­cing, and when we con­sidered the qual­ity, Bot­nia Print’s prices were extremely com­pet­it­ive. At this point, we decided to give Bot­nia Print a try and here we are, two years later and still work­ing with them.

”When we switched our print­ing ser­vice pro­vider, our goal was to improve our image through mar­ket­ing and to add prin­ted mar­ket­ing mater­i­als to our routine mar­ket­ing cam­paigns in order to stream­line the pro­cess and cooper­a­tion. We even had vis­it­ors from Bot­nia Print who came to learn more about how the bro­chure is made and how we want to brand ourselves.”

Janne Oosi, Mar­ket­ing Man­ager Minimani

Chal­len­ging situations

There have not really been any chal­len­ging situ­ations since Min­i­m­ani star­ted work­ing with Bot­nia Print. The cooper­a­tion took off quickly and the com­pan­ies were work­ing in har­mony in no time. The only time when any extra effort has been needed was dur­ing the trans­ition from the CYMK col­our pro­file to the RGB col­our pro­file, because the images had to be tweaked to optim­ise the col­ours and sharp­ness in order to use images in Minimani’s archives.

“After Min­i­m­ani and Bot­nia Print star­ted work­ing togeth­er, the image pro­cessing pro­cess has become con­sid­er­ably easi­er. It no longer mat­ters if there’s some CYMK or RGB files thrown in, so we can now work more efficiently!”

CMYK is a col­our mod­el which uses four ink plates in print­ing. RGB, on the oth­er hand, is col­our mod­el mainly used on com­puter screens. In the past, RGB images could not be sent for print­ing because they needed to be in a cer­tain format. Thanks to Bot­nia Print, this is no longer a problem.

“Dur­ing the time we’ve worked with Bot­nia Print, we’ve had one prob­lem situ­ation involving the dis­tri­bu­tion com­pany, and we ended up hav­ing to dis­pose of the prin­ted bro­chures. Even though this was by no means Bot­nia Print’s fault, they gave us a dis­count when we ordered a reprint. This gives you a pretty good idea about how they react when their cus­tom­er is deal­ing with a ‘dis­aster’.”

Unique bene­fits of work­ing with Bot­nia Print

“Uni­form qual­ity is some­thing that we really value. When the print­ing tech­no­logy does not involve any water, you vir­tu­ally elim­in­ate qual­ity prob­lems between batches and poor print qual­ity. The images are sharp and bright, which is import­ant in product images, where you want the shades to be clearly iden­ti­fi­able. Moreover, smal­ler fonts are not a prob­lem with this print­ing tech­no­logy. The cooper­a­tion is smooth and Bot­nia Print made it super easy to start work­ing with them.

”I would encour­age every­one to look into what Bot­nia Print can do for them! The best way to see the dif­fer­ence is to com­pare your own prin­ted products. We have not shopped around when look­ing for a print house – instead, we value smooth cooper­a­tion with our print­ing part­ner. This is just one of the reas­ons why we use Bot­nia Print.”

Janne Oosi, Mar­ket­ing Man­ager Minimani

When qual­ity is key

First launched over ten years ago, Minimani’s dir­ect mar­ket­ing bro­chures con­tain 12–20 pages and a new bro­chure comes out every week. The bro­chures con­tain plenty of images, and, as a res­ult, the qual­ity and prices add up at an annu­al level.

Bot­nia Print’s qual­ity-price-ratio, eco-friendly val­ues and print­ing tech­no­logy are the strengths that it is known for. Moreover, Bot­nia Print is loc­ated in a town with a Min­i­m­ani hyper­mar­ket, which was a big plus.

Finally, an import­ant added bene­fit of work­ing with Bot­nia Print is its envir­on­ment­ally friendly print­ing technology.

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