

Fen­no­v­oima is the Finnish energy com­pany that is plan­ning to con­struct the Han­hikivi 1 nuc­le­ar react­or on the Han­hikivi pen­in­sula in the muni­cip­al­ity of Pyhä­joki. In addi­tion to Fen­no­v­oima, the pro­ject involves RAOS Pro­ject as the plant sup­pli­er, its primary con­tract­or Titan‑2 and sev­er­al sub­con­tract­ors. The Han­hikivi 1 pro­ject is cur­rently at the per­mit applic­a­tion stage.

The con­struc­tion is set to start in 2021 with the plant being oper­a­tion­al in 2028. Upon com­ple­tion, Han­hikivi 1 will sup­ply 10% of Finland’s energy demand reli­ably and without emissions.

How did the part­ner­ship come to be?

When Fen­no­v­oima was look­ing for an expert print house to print its stake­hold­er magazine, it con­tac­ted Bot­nia Print. Min­im­ising envir­on­ment­al impact is a key prin­ciple of both com­pan­ies. Fen­no­v­oima also val­ued work­ing with a loc­al print house. As a res­ult, the cooper­a­tion, which has been going on for years now, was built on these factors.

Heidi Laikari, Fennovoima’s Com­mu­nic­a­tions Officer and Edit­or-in-Chief of Fennon­en magazine, describes work­ing with Bot­nia Print as follows:

“When we first launched our stake­hold­er magazine, Fennon­en, it was just a tiny leaf­let dis­trib­uted with the loc­al papers of Pyhä­joki and sur­round­ing muni­cip­al­it­ies. Over the years, we’ve increased the page count: first to four, and then to 16. At first, we pro­duced the magazine in-house. Fennon­en was a print magazine when it was first launched, but after a few years we star­ted to pub­lish it online as well. In 2017, we decided to take Fennon­en to the next level and get more people involved, so we star­ted work­ing with Fok­us Media Sisu. The rebrand­ing involved giv­ing Fennon­en a new look and sharpen­ing its content.

Fennovoima’s stake­hold­er magazine is prin­ted by Bot­nia Print. The print edi­tion of Fennon­en is pub­lished twice a year. At the moment, the online edi­tion is pub­lished five times a year.

Did you encounter any sur­prises along the way? If yes, how did Bot­nia Print respond to them?

“We had been work­ing with Bot­nia Print suc­cess­fully for years when we came across a series of human errors. The first prob­lem involved the mater­i­al to be prin­ted, which was sub­mit­ted to Bot­nia Print in the wrong format. How­ever, thanks to Bot­nia Print’s excel­lent print tech­no­logy, they man­aged to work with the sub­mit­ted mater­i­al des­pite the excess col­our sat­ur­a­tion. With less advanced print­ing tech­no­logy, the images would have been black and blurry, and the whole thing could nev­er have been prin­ted. In this case, we decided to go with a reprint.”

The situ­ation was the res­ult of sev­er­al factors. The num­ber of edit­or­i­al staff at Fennon­en had grown, and there were some gaps in the know­ledge about the magazine’s print­ing pro­cess. Anoth­er chal­len­ging situ­ation involved paper qual­ity. There are slight dif­fer­ences in the qual­ity and prop­er­ties of paper products pro­duced by dif­fer­ent paper mills, and the cus­tom­er developed a pref­er­ence for the paper pro­duced by a cer­tain mill.

”In the future, we will nat­ur­ally endeav­our to use the paper pro­duced by this par­tic­u­lar mill because the cus­tom­er prefers it.”

Cus­tom­er Ser­vice, Sales and Mar­ket­ing Spe­cial­ist Susanne Star­ck, Bot­nia Print 

”We value long-term part­ner­ships. Moreover, the staff at Bot­nia Print are pas­sion­ate about print­ing and basic­ally all aspects of their job. They pro­duce the highest qual­ity with their excel­lent skills and great atti­tude!

Heidi Laikari, Com­mu­nic­a­tions Officer and the Edit­or-in-Chief of Fennon­en magazine at Fennovoima 

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