

Blåkläder is a Swedish work­wear man­u­fac­turer and retail­er. The group’s main office is loc­ated in Sweden with sub­si­di­ar­ies in Fin­land, else­where in Europe, the USA and Japan.

Blåkläder’s product range includes work­wear, safety foot­wear and gloves. The major­ity of its products are sold by retail­ers, but the com­pany also has large dir­ect customers.

As a brand, Blåkläder is best known for its high-qual­ity and effect­ive work­wear. Every product is man­u­fac­tured in-house, which is why the entire man­u­fac­tur­ing chain is under Blåkläder’s control.

With all this said, Bot­nia Print was extremely happy to be chosen as the print house to pro­duce Blåkläder’s cus­tom­er magazine.

How did Blåkläder start to work with Bot­nia Print, a print house based in Finland?

Blåkläder’s Mar­ket­ing Man­ager, Susanna Knuutin­en, chuckles when she thinks back to the time when Blåkläder and Bot­nia Print star­ted work­ing together.

“It has been sev­er­al years since Bot­nia Print first con­tac­ted us. They have called us reg­u­larly to ask how things are and what’s going on with our print­ing ser­vices. We get massive amounts of mar­ket­ing mater­i­al from Sweden, which is why we haven’t had much need for print­ing ser­vices before. How­ever, this all changed a few years ago when we decided to start print­ing our cus­tom­er magazine in Fin­land, which is when we thought of Bot­nia Print.”

When Blåkläder com­pared the bids sub­mit­ted by dif­fer­ent print houses, Bot­nia Print was in a league of its own: a smal­ler print house offer­ing qual­ity print­ing ser­vices at reas­on­able prices. Its bright, high-qual­ity and water­less prin­ted products made it easy for Blåkläder to choose Bot­nia Print.

The Blåkläder brand is asso­ci­ated with high qual­ity, and the com­pany nat­ur­ally wants to main­tain this image also in its mar­ket­ing materials.

Moreover, like Bot­nia Print, Blåkläder too val­ues envir­on­ment­ally friendly man­u­fac­tur­ing meth­ods. Tak­ing the envir­on­ment into account can be seen in everything that Bot­nia Print does, which, accord­ing to Susanna Knuutin­en, sets Blåkläder apart from its competitors.

“Our cus­tom­ers in Sweden, which is our main mar­ket­ing area, have praised our cata­logue as the first prin­ted product that does not stain your fingers!”

Susanna Knuutin­en, Blåkläder 

On the whole, Blåkläder is extremely happy with its cooper­a­tion with Bot­nia Print.

“Com­mu­nic­at­ing with Bot­nia Print is a breeze, and any poten­tial prob­lems have always been quickly resolved by Bot­nia Print once they have been noti­fied about them. Bot­nia Print does everything in its power to make sure their cus­tom­ers are happy. The entire pro­cess of work­ing with Bot­nia Print from start to fin­ish is extremely flex­ible, and we have been very happy with their services.”

How would Blåkläder describe Bot­nia Print to others?

“I can def­in­itely recom­mend Bot­nia Print! This is a print house and a com­pany that really puts the cus­tom­er first. The staff at Bot­nia Print are also incred­ibly skilled, so I am con­fid­ent that they are the people to go to when you need a top-qual­ity product.”

Smooth cooper­a­tion

Peter Mar­jakan­gas, the des­ig­nated con­tact per­son for Blåkläder at Bot­nia Print, says that the cooper­a­tion is import­ant for both parties:

“Blåkläder is the type of cus­tom­er we want work more with in the future. They have a care­fully craf­ted and qual­ity-con­scious brand and the Swedish office sends us high-qual­ity mater­i­als for print­ing, so we def­in­itely value them as a customer.”

Bot­nia Print’s Peter Mar­jakan­gas couldn’t help but smile when asked about work­ing with Blåkläder: “Every­one at Blåkläder that I’ve had the pleas­ure of work­ing with has been great, and liais­ing with them is a breeze. If any­thing unex­pec­ted hap­pens, all I need to do is to pick up the phone and we can then work things out together.” 

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