Materials guide
We recommend what we call an RGB workflow to our customers, because it supports materials which can be used in different media types. In other words, the same materials can be used in both digital and printed products. Image processing is easy when CMYK conversions and image sharpness adjustments are done automatically. The materials may also contain CMYK elements.
Materials guide
We have put together a materials guide to make it easier and safer for our customers to prepare and submit their materials to us.
Downloading colour preferences
Download the colour preferences here.
Open Adobe Photoshop and select EDIT > COLOR SETTINGS from the menu bar. Select LOAD in the bottom right corner of the new window and save the väriasetukset.csf file you have saved with an easily identifiable title in a user-specific folder in Adobe\Color\Settings.
Close Photoshop, open the colour preferences again and save the currently active colour preferences. With the colour preferences saved in the correct location, you can manage them in different Adobe programmes using Adobe Bridge.
Open Adobe Bridge and select EDIT > COLOR SETTINGS from the menu bar. You will see a list of different colour preferences, and in case the preferences you saved are not in the list, mark the selection box to expand the view. Select the colour preferences you saved and press APPLY. The colour preferences you have applied can now be used across all Adobe programmes.
Downloading printing settings
Download printing settings here.
Open Adobe InDesign, select FILE > ADOBE PDF PRESETS > DEFINE in the menu bar. Download the file tulostusasetus.joboptions you have saved.
We recommend selecting Adobe RGB profile as the RGB profile and Isonewspaper26v4 as the CMYK profile.
Do not adjust the sharpness of RGB images required by Coldset printing. However, you will need to adjust the sharpness of CMYK images. The recommended image resolution is 220 dpi.
A page can contain both RGB and CMYK images – the conversion process handles the images automatically depending on their settings. We do not recommend spot colours because their tones may change during conversion.
Order materials guide